Guangdong Boke New Film Technology Co., Ltd. se nahaja v Guangzhouu na Kitajskem in ponuja funkcionalne filmske rešitve, vključno s filmi za zaščito barv, komercialnimi in stanovanjskimi filmi, filmi o odtenkih avtomobilov in pohištvenimi filmi.
Boke offers a complete array of high-performance, innovative items at reasonable costs. A solid warranty backs every product we provide with conditions that apply. And every point-of-sale material is up-to-date, informative, and built with your needs in mind. Da bi našim potrošnikom zagotovili kakovostnejše blago, smo iz Nemčije in ED/vrhunske opreme iz ZDA uvedli vrhunsko tehnologijo. A technologically sophisticated facility has been added at Boke to enable new production capabilities. Finally, Boke's success is built on exceptional service; clients return when their customers are impressed with fantastic installation results. We will continue to operate if our consumers are satisfied. It's as simple as that. Sales and technical personnel with extensive experience are 24/7 to assist our dealers better.